Midleton (IRL)

This page is a short summary of the first mobility in Midleton, Ireland (December 2023).

Programme of the meeting

To open the presentation, click the picture below.

Presentation about the mobility in Midleton in GERMAN is available   HERE.

This project uses two languages, English and German. The info about the project mobility (written by the Irish students) is in English - use a translator if needed.

Welcome to Midleton

The flags of the host nation and our visitors fly high for the arrival of our visitors. CBS is an old school dating back to 1863 however we have a brand new building linked onto the old since 2016. We are very lucky to be able to accommodate 960 students and our 20 visitors this week.


The group took Flat Freddy down to the Choctaw monument know locally as 'The Feathers'. It represents the kindness shown by the native American Indians during the Famine when they sent the Irish money. Here the nine feathers remind us to be thankful and grateful for friends in our lives. Students designed there own installation on gratitude using 3 giant feathers.

Cobh group photo

In Cobh we visited The Titanic museum and took a group photo at the British bandstand. We had such a beautiful day with blue skies and walked all around Cobh and Cork. Students learned about the Titanic and the story of emigration from Ireland.

Ice breakers

Students had to learn each others name and learn a bit about Irish culture so Ms Mulcahy brought them 'To the Races' where each person had to listen to the instructions and 'jump over the water' or say what you would say if you saw a streaker! It was a bit of fun and made them relax in each others company.

KIND group task

Students were asked to design the letters of the word KIND using images that brought empathy or kindness to mind.e.g. offering a cup of tea etc.


St. Anne's church/ Shandon Bells

Students had a bird's eye view from the top of Shandon Bells of the whole city of Cork. They rang out the bells for all to hear including 'After All' by the Frank and Walters Band! We have a musical bunch this year. We could see the walking tour we were about to take on from the trainstation to UCC and back again. Great day out with glorious weather.

Working together

Students get to know each other over an collaborative activity decorating feathers with things they are grateful for. They could use words, images, phrases in English, German or Czech. A feather is a symbol of friendship. It tied in nicely with 'The Feathers' sculpture in Midleton.

Niall de Burca storyteller phenomonal

Niall regaled us with tales from Ireland made up out of his own imagination. He was highly entertaining for all ages. He comes from Galway and is long immersed in the oral tradition. Niall was invited as our guest for the day and met with the whole school physically and virtually.


Puppet show

One group decided to tell their story through the medium of puppetry. they used the flags as their stage and included 'Niall de Burca' as one of their characters. It was both funny and entertaining.



Here IS THE OUTCOME OF OUR MEETINNG IN MIDLETON - OUR STORIES, presented on Friday 15/12/2023. You can watch here their beginnings (the rest to be seen in the project TWINSPACE), the last one ( the film) is complete. Enjoy.

© 2024 positivevibes.gvm@gmail.com
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